Welcome to my new blog

I was started blogging on my another domain, but time passed, and I stopped some time ago. Sometimes a new subject comes to write something, and I made some drafts, but I didn’t like my old blog, I can’t change the layout as I want, I can’t freely-edit my articles, and I tried to build my own solution, but I didn’t like that too.

When Vincius Quaiato talked about rewrite your own blog, I suggested to use jekyll, I was looking to jekyll for a while, but never really used it. He wrote his blog and the result seems nice, better than the previous, and now he has full control on your blog, that’s what I’m looking for.

And after a long while, I want to start my blog again. This blog is the new one, I wrote the css, I wrote the html, and now I have full control.

After all, I want to thanks to Adriano Tadao, Mauricio Ferreira, Mauricio Rodrigues, Suélen Balbinot and Tanira Maurer the ones who gave feedback when I was building this blog, and this final result is mostly because of them (If you did not like this blog, you can send a message to them :trollface:).

The old posts will not be moved to this one, but will still available at the blogspot. And now I’ll write some posts to put them here.

See you soon.

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